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Unit 3: Industrial Revolution

10.3 CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION: Innovations in agriculture, production, and transportation led to the Industrial Revolution, which originated in Western Europe and spread over time to Japan and other regions. This led to major population shifts and transformed economic and social systems. 

(Standards: 2, 3, 4; Themes: MOV, TCC, GEO, SOC, ECO, TECH) 

10.3a Agricultural innovations and technologies enabled people to alter their environment allowing them to increase and support farming on a large scale. 

10.3b Factors including new economic theories and practices, new sources of energy, and technological innovations influenced the development of new communication and transportation systems and new methods of production. These developments had numerous effects. 

10.3c Students will investigate the social, political, and economic impacts of industrialization in Great Britain and Meiji Japan and compare and contrast them. 

10.3d Students will examine the Irish potato famine within the context of the British agricultural revolution and the Industrial Revolution. 

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